array("fifteenadm", "7p44gxz?", "1521db", "event_homeowner_list", ""), "Fifteen Twenty One - Event List" => array("fifteenadm", "7p44gxz?", "1521db", "event_list", ""), "Fifteen Twenty One - Prospects" => array("fifteenadm", "7p44gxz?", "1521db", "prospects", ""), "Fifteen Twenty One - Ground Breaking RSVP" => array("fifteenadm", "7p44gxz?", "1521db", "ground_breaking_rsvp", ""), "Fifteen Twenty One - Appointment List" => array("fifteenadm", "7p44gxz?", "1521db", "appointment_list", ""), "Fifteen Twenty One - 10-25-2006broker event" => array("fifteenadm", "7p44gxz?", "1521db", "10_25_2006broker", ""), "Fifteen Twenty One - Short form Registration" => array("fifteenadm", "7p44gxz?", "1521db", "shortform", ""), "Fifteen Twenty One - Blockpicker" => array("fifteenadm", "7p44gxz?", "1521db", "blockpicker", ""), ); $fh = fopen("errorlog.txt","a"); fwrite($fh,$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] . "\n" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n"); foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) { fwrite($fh,$key . " = " . $value . "\n"); } fwrite($fh,"\n"); fclose($fh); ?> \n"; //print "$sm -> $em
\n"; $sh += $sm; $eh += $em; if( $sh > $eh ) { $hours = $sh - $eh; } else { $hours = $eh - $sh; } //print "$sm -> $em
\n"; //print "++ $hours
\n"; $count = $hours / $length; } return $count; } function max_booking( $yearID, $monthID, $dayID, $calId ) { $count = 0; $this_date = "$yearID-$monthID-$dayID"; $this_time = strtotime( $this_date ); $this_day = strtolower( date( "D", $this_time ) ); //print "$this_date
\n"; $rs = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM calendar_events_2 WHERE FKcalendar = $calId ORDER BY start_hour ASC" ); while( $rs && ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rs )) ) { $count += calc_booking( $r, $this_day, $this_date ); } return intval( $count ); } function send_appointment( $dtstart, $dtend, $to, $sbj, $dsc) { $os = strtoupper( substr( PHP_OS, 0, 3 ) ); if( 'WIN' == $os ) { $eol = "\r\n"; } else if( 'MAC' == $os ) { $eol = "\r"; } else { $eol = "\n"; } $offset = intval( str_replace( "0", "", date( "O" ) ) ) * -1; // shift time for TZ and daylight savings! $time_start = strtotime( $offset ." hours", strtotime( $dtstart ) ); $time_end = strtotime( $offset ." hours", strtotime( $dtend ) ); $dts = date( "Ymd\THis\Z", $time_start ); $dte = date( "Ymd\THis\Z", $time_end ); $uid = date( "Ymd\THis\Z" ); $headers[] = "From: \"Fifteen Twenty-One\" "; $headers[] = "Subject: $sbj"; $headers[] = "Mime-Version: 1.0"; $headers[] = "Content-Type:text/calendar; method=REQUEST; charset=US-ASCII"; $headers[] = "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit"; $message[] = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR"; $message[] = "PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 11.0 MIMEDIR//EN"; // $message[] = "TZ:-0$offset". 00; $message[] = "METHOD:REQUEST"; $message[] = "VERSION:2.0"; $message[] = "BEGIN:VEVENT"; $message[] = "UID:$uid-".rand() .""; // required by Outlook $message[] = "DTSTAMP:$uid"; // required by Outlook $message[] = "CATEGORIES:MEETING"; $message[] = "DTSTART:$dts"; $message[] = "DTEND:$dte"; $message[] = "SUMMARY:$sbj"; $message[] = "DESCRIPTION:$dsc"; $message[] = "CLASS:PUBLIC"; $message[] = "END:VEVENT"; $message[] = "END:VCALENDAR"; mail( $to, $sbj, implode( $eol, $message ), implode( $eol, $headers ) ); } ?> Fifteen Twenty-One Second Avenue

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Obtain the property report required by federal law and read it before signing anything. No federal agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property. Seller reserves the right to change product offering without notice. Renderings, views and floor plans are approximate.